Model: | Porsche 901 |
VIN number: | 300122 |
Type: | 911 |
Year: | 1964-12 |
Country: | Germany |
Country (current): | United Kingdom |
Color (original): | Dolphin Grey |
Color (current): | Dolphin Grey |
Drive position: | Left Hand Drive |
State of car: | Restored |
Condition of car: | In good condition |
HP: | 130 |
Marketing prefs: | |
Registration date: | 1/1/2018 |
Modification date: | 3/28/2020 8:57:26 PM |
Interior: | Leather Blue |
Dealer: | Mahag - Munich, Germany |
Antenna: | Yes |
Heater: | Webasto |
Higher Seats: | Yes |
Seatbelts: | Yes |
Speakers: | 1 |
Tires: | Dunlop 165-15 |
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