Model: | Porsche 911 Turbo |
VIN number: | 9306700116 |
Type: | 930/50 Rest of World |
Engine type: | 930 3.0 |
Engine CC: | 2992 |
Transmission: | 930/32 1975-1976 |
Year: | 1975-10 |
Country: | Japan |
Country (current): | Japan |
Color (original): | Oak Green Metallic |
Color (current): | Oak Green Metallic |
Drive position: | Left Hand Drive |
State of car: | The car is completely original (Never restored, correct engine, transmission and with all the paperwork and toolkit, etc.) |
Condition of car: | Superb and as new |
HP: | 260 |
Marketing prefs: | |
Registration date: | 10/5/2020 11:07:57 AM |
Modification date: | 3/2/2024 9:02:56 AM |
Seat inlay: | Leather perforated |
Radio: | Blaupunkt Köln |
Interior: | Leather Black |
Dealer: | Mitsuwa Motors - Japan |
Carpet color original: | Black |
Bolsters: | Leather |
Seat Material: | Leather |
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