Model: | Porsche 356 Speedster |
VIN number: | 84905 |
Type: | 356A T2 |
Engine type: | 1500GS |
Year: | 1958 |
Country (current): | Switzerland |
Color (original): | Silver Metallic |
Drive position: | Left Hand Drive |
State of car: | Unknown |
Condition of car: | Unknown |
Km run: | 0 |
HP: | 110@6400 |
Remarks owner: | This silver silver-black \'58 GT has little known history. The current Swiss owner bought it from German J. Steidinger who had it restored at the Porsche factory in the early eighties. The car was originally delivered in Austria. A lot of pictures can be found in the French Flat 6 Magazine n° 72 (Feb. \'97). The current owners Charles et Marie-Claude Firmenich participate with their Carrera Speedster in the annual Porsche 356 meeting of the French Club \Amicale 356 Gex-Leman\"." |
Marketing prefs: | |
Registration date: | 1/1/2018 |
Modification date: | 1/1/2018 |
Owner unknown.
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