Model: | Porsche 924 |
VIN number: | owner only |
Type: | GT |
Engine type: | M31/50 |
Engine number (original): | owner only |
Engine number (current): | owner only |
Transmission: | G31/03 |
Year: | 1981 |
Country: | Germany |
Country (current): | USA minus California and Puerto Rico |
Color (original): | Black |
Color (current): | Black |
Drive position: | Left Hand Drive |
Condition of car: | In good condition |
Miles/Km: | kilometers |
Km run: | 72414 |
Km original: | Yes |
HP: | 211 |
Extra options: | Factory installed GTS roll cage
Registration date: | 3/18/2022 8:19:47 PM |
Modification date: | 2/9/2023 9:38:16 PM |
1. frontside | 2. side view | 3. rearside | 4. front view | 5. rear view | 6. interior | 7. dashboard | 8. engine | 9. car-in-action
Other images:
Airconditioning: | Yes |
Alarm System: | Yes |
Cassette-radio: | Blaupunkt Bamberg QTS Super Arimat |
Drivers Side Mirror: | Flat, electrically adjustable and heatable |
Holder for cassettes and coins: | Yes |
Limited Slip Differential: | Yes |
Passenger Side Mirror: | Electric Heated |
Rear Window Wiper: | Yes |
Sport Shock Absorbers: | Yes |
Steering Wheel: | Four spoke leather |
Stronger Battery: | Yes (63 Ah) |
Wax: | No |
Wheels: | Alloy |
Windscreen: | Top-tinted |
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