Model: | Porsche 964 |
VIN number: | WP0ZZZ96ZPS479052 |
Type: | Turbo S |
Engine type: | M30/69 |
Transmission: | G5052 |
Year: | 1992 |
Country: | Qatar/Kuwait/Bahrein/Saudi Arabia |
Color (original): | Speed Yellow |
Color (current): | Speed Yellow |
State of car: | Unknown |
Condition of car: | Unknown |
Marketing prefs: | |
Registration date: | 1/1/2018 |
Modification date: | 10/6/2019 11:41:42 AM |
Version for: | Saudi Arabia |
Airbags: | Front |
Airconditioning: | Yes |
Control and indications: | English |
Equipped with the next model year VIN: | Yes |
European ID plate: | No |
Gearbox: | Manual, 5-speed |
Internal production code: | Turbo S |
Leather bucket seat: | Left & Right |
Limited Slip Differential: | Yes |
Model designation on rear end: | No |
Onboard computer: | Yes |
Power steering: | No |
Sticker, without ECE-regulations: | Yes |
Tires: | Dunlop |
Owner unknown.
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